Sunday, February 3, 2008


We are now in Timbuktu. We arrived here on friday afternoon. The drive was nice, a bit bumby and dusty,but at least I enjoyed it a lot. It was only 6 hours which included an hour break for changing the tire and crossing the river. Katya had her birthday on the same day so we celebrated it on the way . We have been getting to know the town and the places here.. Some of us whent to Church this morning ang Jocob went to the local dentist yesterday. AUTS
Hanna and Annika where sick the first night but now we are all fine.
So Young is still in Bamako she couldn't come earlier because sho had gotten sick..

The last night in Douentza was emotional. It was hard to leave the kids. The smaller kids were playing around and being hyper as normally, but you could see that the bigger ones where more quiet and sad that we were leaving.. some of them said that they wanted to come with us.. hopefully we'll see them on our way back..

Thanks for all your prayers:!! GOd bless


Anonymous said...

Praying is what we will do. Thinking of you all.

Gods great blessing and a hug from my part.

Petra de Bruin

Tinni Moshi said...

I do believe that it has been really hard for those kids to leave you.. I KNOW that Jacob has been a wonderful blessing for those boys, as older men usually don't have time for them in Mali. I believe that they have seen something they want to continue as they have families someday. :) You are all so lovely people, that if I'm missing you (I miss you!!) I know that they are missing you for sure.. But life continues and you will see so many people and be blessing to them also. Have a wonderful time in Timbuktu!!