Monday, March 3, 2008

Feet 2008 Prayer conference

The Feet 2008 Prayer conference started on Thursday evening and ended on Sunday night. For us this conference has started a long time ago when we started to prepare and pray for it. 130 people from all around the world, from 4 different continents representing over 25 different nations came together to pray for Timbuktu. We were happy to meet a lot of familiar faces from Norway. Our base leader Leif and our 5th staff member Bea and a big group of other people came to Timbuktu with a 2 day boat trip.
The conference day started with Morning Prayer for Timbuktu in the desert before breakfast and the day lasted until late evening with praise and worship concerts. We had worship in English, French and the local Tamasek language. During the conference we heard a lot of good and powerful teaching from Dr. Atef from Egypt and other people from Norway, USA and Mali.
All in all the conference went well. Before the conference we had prayed for a lot of practical things and we can say that everything went just smoothly. We saw prayer answers in small and bigger things. During the preparation time we faced some problems with the strong wind. We had heard that now is “the windy season” and strong wind and sand storms can be expected. We were afraid that the wind could cause problems do a lot of damage at the conference area. It had already done a lot of damage before. But God protected the whole time of the conference and we did not have a single sand storm. Now, a day after the conference, the wind came back. :D

We have only a couple of days left in Timbuktu. It will be really hard to leave this place and to say good bye to so many lovely people we have met and been working with. We will be traveling from Timbuktu back to Douentza. We are so excited to meet the garibou boys again and according to Lorna they are really excited to see us too. We will be spending 2 days in Douentza before we leave back to Bamako. From Bamako we will fly back to Norway…


Melodie said...

hey dts '08 team! BLESS YOU!!!!

annika, bex, hanna & lenneke: let me know when you're back in norway & we'll have to schedule a skype date! I MISS YOU!

Tinni Moshi said...

I'm so happy for you that you can go to see the garibou kids again and that everything has gone well! :) have a safe trip back to norway! :)

Anonymous said...

Lieve Lenneke,

Gewoon lekker in het Nederlands. Kan het niet laten. Vanaf vandaag zit er weer een mogelijkheid in dat je Skype te vinden bent! Wat een feest! Ik hoop je snel te spreken.

Thanx voor je lieve sms op mijn verjaardag en natuurlijk ook grote dank voor je oprechte mail. Sorry dat ik nog niet heb gereageerd. Absoluut gaat dat gebeuren. Was een beetje druk rond mijn verjaardag, vandaar.

Ik mail je en ik wacht op je, op Skype.
